Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

General General Board Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7 Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

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    Ive never had a issue with being good.. Never been accused of being shit ether. And no its doable but it shouldn’t have to be, Why make people who are trying to catch up work harder then those who only log on to be dickheads to everyone? Kinda stupid in my book. And had no issues with anyone prior to this so if i woulda just sat around and kept my mouth shut i wouldnt have anyone to worry about. Ill i would have had to do was carry more potions and change my suit to be less squishy and glass cannon like. However who cares. Why bother if something else will change as soon as it becomes hard for someone again. Let a few super interesting items drop for someone watch them beat the shit outta a few people and then the item wipe will magically happen… Like whats so bad about a item wipe. loot still easy and unchanged right? Item wipe and i have nothing more to complain about. We can reset with this new setup and start collecting again. i mean ill still be doing it solo cause thats what i do. When you got ten guys who can collect what was it 15k items a week. LOL youll be back at it in no time with nobody who can complain right?