This ability requires Musicianship. Use of the skill will cause a target creature to reduce to its passive walking speed and move toward the player.
Any creature can be targeted except the following:
- Players.
- Guards that have been recently called.
- NPCs marked “(Invulnerable)”.
This skill is considered non-aggressive and does not affect notoriety.
Using the Skill
When used, this skill will present the player with a targeting cursor. The player then selects a target. If successfully enticed, the target creature will reduce to its normal walking speed and walk toward the player. After attempting to entice a creature, the player must wait 10 seconds before using another skill.
The target creature will continue to follow the player until one of the following occurs:
- The target creature is within 1 tile of the enticing player.
- The enticing player is no longer within range for the creature to hear the music.
- The target creature has been following the enticing player for 10 seconds.
- Another player successfully entices the target creature.
- The target creature is a tamed animal and its owner issues a command.