Scheduled Maintenance 17-04-21 10:00am

We will be doing some necessary maintenance to the server and network. Downtime is expected to be several hours.

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Scheduled Maintenance 04-10-20 06:30-7:00pm

We will be doing some server maintenance and applying our latest patch which contains class balance changes.

– Mage class receives a bit more overall damage.
– Mage class receives more damage when attacked by warriors.

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Scheduled Maintenance 18-08-20 7:00-7:30pm

We will be doing some maintenance and applying our latest patch which contains fixes and improvements. Change-log will be posted during maintenance.


– Fixed an issue with Mending Oil calculation.

– Mass Dispells affects the bard.
– Fixed an issue with song damage multiplying.

– Exceptional Weapons receive a speed bonus (3 per crafter level) C6: 18, C5: 15, C4: 12 etc.
– Weapon quality increases Damage Mod ( 2 for each 0.1 over 1)
2.5 = +30
3.0 = +40 (max non-except)
3.6 = +52 (max except)
– Weapons can now have more than 1 Slayer atribute
– Weapons can now have:
Elemental Damage
Bypasses armor
Reduced by protections
Can be combined (IE: Dripstone has 30% Earth and 30% Water (rest 40% Physical))
– “New” Omega Damage bypasses everything
– Elements can be combined with anything else (IE: Pyrite has 20% Fire and Ophidian/Terathan Slayer)
– All GM weapons now have 200 HP (Including Dreams Bow and Zulu Sword)

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Hot-fix 25-07-20

We will be doing a hot-fix to address some of the issues players were getting with the latest changes.


– Hidden Class and Lvl information from tool-tip.
– GM items now have green names.
– Equipment damage rating by name color now has these categories:
     normal color (blue/green) 100-75%.
     yellow 75-50%.
     orange 50-25%.
     red under 25%.
– You will now always use the correct tool for repairs (blades for bows, carpentry for staffs etc).
– Reduced wear rate on weapons to 1% and armor to 10% (1/10th of previous values).

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Scheduled Maintenance 24-07-20 7:00-7:30pm

We will be doing some maintenance and applying our latest patch.

We will be rolling out mega-clilocs (see screenshot below) in this patch. You will need to


this file and place it in your Ultima Online folder. Overwrite when asked. The Installer has also been updated.

These new clilocs will show class based information. This means a Mage will see different details than a Ranger or Thief. The new systems will also be making use of these mega-clilocs and useful information will be displayed accordingly.



– Fixed an issue where custom houses didn’t get teleporters*. (Contact staff to have them added).
– Fixed a bug where RPers would get renamed after participating in Color Wars.
– Fixed a bug where Staff members would also get killed after Color Wars ended.
– Fixed a bug where bards couldn’t heal themselves anymore.
– Fixed a bug where verses were not affecting the bard itself.
– Deadly Sure Strike Shurikens will no longer poison players inside a No PK area.
– Fixed a bug with slayer hitscripts creating broken weapons.
– Fixed a bug where you could control more creatures than the cap limit allows.
– Fixed a bug where personal powerhour wouldn’t stop properly and displayed a negative time remaining message.
– Personal Powerhour will now properly reset every week.
– Fixed an issue where cooking wouldn’t consume ingredients properly.
– Fixed an issue where Noble and Animal Trainers couldn’t be snooped.
– Fixed a bug where you could drink poison potions inside safe zones to get back an empty bottle.
– Fixed a bug with guild colours not giving the correct colour.

– Added a static housing system. Staff can now sell static houses.
– Trashcan now takes 1 minute to destroy stuff. To retrieve your items simply open the trashcan by double clicking.
– Megaclilocs (itemdetails) have been added.
– Item tooltip is now colorized according to durability.
– Item repair has been improved:
Repairing items now takes Materials according to the item (logs, ingots, hides)
Much like mending oils the better the quality of the material, the more it’ll repair.
Higher quality items are harder to repair (GM and Artifact have a penalty)
Crafters have a bonus to the amount of material required for repairs.
No more chance of item upgrades during repair.
Will only destroy an item if it’s already at 1hp, but will damage and destroy materials on failure.
Weapon durability now affects it’s damage if it’s below 50%.

– Half-resources Powerhour now checks for half materials at the start of the craft.
– Moved CW kegs next to cannons.
– When you Join Color Wars your items will now be placed inside of a bag in your bank.
– Improved all CW loadouts to be more like the Tournament.
– Improved .setph command. It now tells you which Powerhour you are in when used.
– Increased max Magically controlled pets to 5.
– Mount Stones take Rebirth potions to revive the mount. They don’t require you to be in a town/home anymore (same as other mounts).
– Forensic Evaluation now gives a bonus to skinning corpses for every point over 100.
– Poison now counts for Loot Lottery during events.
– Equipment will now receive proper damage and will need to be repaired more often. Take note of the color of your gear.

– Retort, Oils, and Amalgam systems added (see below for details).

– Reduced Bardic Boulder damage.
– Fixed Party check on Bard Songs.
– Fixed an issue with Life Balance Verse.
– Removed the debug messages from the Beastal Bond verse.
– Fixed an issue where bard would get stuck in casting.

*Teleporters are available for these custom houses:
– Two-Story Large Log Cabin (5 teleporters)
– Two-Story Plaster Manor (4 teleporters)
– Two-Story Thatched Manor (6 teleporters)
– Four-Story Stone and Plaster House (1 teleporters)
– Large Stone Manor (8 teleporters)
– Three-Story Double House (4 teleporters)
– Three-Story Stone Villa (2 teleporters)
– Marble Tower (5 teleporters)
– Three-Story Large Plaster Manor (4 teleporters)
– Three-Story Oriental House (2 teleporters)

*Retort, Oils and Amalgams (Refining stuff):
This system allows crafters to enhance and refine gear.
Crafters will have access to a new piece of equipment (a Retort) which can be purchased from the Vanity Shop.
With this tool you can combine certain reagents with materials to create the following items:

Mending Oil
10 Brimstone
10 Ingots/Hides/Logs of any kind

The Mending Oil will take on the quality of the material used and use it to repair any piece of equipment.
Oils have 100 “charges” and the repair effectiveness of each charge will depend on the quality of both the Oil and the Equipment.
Mending Oil is non-stackable (due to charges and quality)

Alloy:(metal equipment)
10 Bloodspawn
10 Ingots

Varnish:(wood equipment)
10 Daemon Bone
10 Logs

Compound:(leather armor)
10 Bat Wings
10 Hides

Refining items will take the quality of the material used and you can use it to increase the quality of weapons and armor.
Your chance of refining depends on the quality of the Refining Item and the Equipment. You cannot refine GM items or Artifacts.
On Success it’ll increase the equipment quality by 0.1 (that’s the equivalent of 2.5% damage or AR)
On a failure three things can happen:
5%: Completely destroy the item
15%: Reduce item quality by 0.2
30%: Reduce item quality by 0.1

*Note: This only works on crafted items.

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Hot-fix 07-07-20

Due to some issues with personal Powerhour and Bard’s not able to cast on themselves we have decided to do an emergency fix. Below are the changes that have been applied. While we try to keep the hot-fixes to a minimum sometimes they are unavoidable. We hope you appreciate the work that goes into it and we apologize for the inconvenience!


– Fixed an issue where custom houses didn’t get teleporters*. (Contact staff to have them added)
– Fixed a bug where RPer’s would get renamed after participating in Color Wars.
– Fixed a bug where Staff members would also get killed after Color Wars ended.
– Fixed a bug where bards couldn’t heal themselves anymore.
– Fixed a bug where verses were not affecting the bard itself.
– Deadly Sure Strike Shurikens will no longer poison players inside a No PK area.
– Fixed a bug with slayer hit-scripts creating broken weapons.
– Fixed a bug where you could control more creatures than the cap limit allows.
– Fixed a bug where personal Powerhour wouldn’t stop properly and displayed a negative time remaining message.
– Removed the debug messages from the Beastal Bond verse.

– Half-resources Powerhour now checks for half materials at the start of the craft.
– Moved CW kegs next to cannons.
– When you Join Color Wars your items will now be placed inside of a bag in your bank.
– Improved all CW load-outs to be more like the Tournament.
– Improved .setph command. It now tells you which Powerhour you are in when used.
– Increased max Magically controlled pets to 5.
– Mount Stones take Rebirth potions to revive the mount. They don’t require you to be in a town/home anymore (same as other mounts).

– Reduced Bardic Boulder damage.
– Fixed Party check on Bard Songs.
– Verse boosts now only work if the receiver is in the same party as the bard or if neither are in a party.


* Teleporters are available for these custom houses:
– Two-Story Large Log Cabin (5 teleporters)
– Two-Story Plaster Manor (4 teleporters)
– Two-Story Thatched Manor (6 teleporters)
– Four-Story Stone and Plaster House (1 teleporters)
– Large Stone Manor (8 teleporters)
– Three-Story Double House (4 teleporters)
– Three-Story Stone Villa (2 teleporters)
– Marble Tower (5 teleporters)
– Three-Story Large Plaster Manor (4 teleporters)
– Three-Story Oriental House (2 teleporters)

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Scheduled Maintenance 03-07-20 7:00-7:30pm

We will be doing some maintenance and applying our latest patch.


– Head Admin Grark decided to step down.
– Admin Amroth promoted to Head Admin.

– Cleaned up and optimized a lot of Color Wars code.
– Fixed cannons.
– Fixed a bug where the vanity vendor wasn’t snoopable.
– Fixed a bug with spawn-points and custom NPC’s.
– Fixed a slayer script generation for weapons bug.
– Fixed a few loot generation bugs. Loot will be a bit more varied now.
– Fixed an issue where Holy bless would stack with Earth Bless.
– Fixed paralyze icons stuck for Astral Storm and Wraiths Breath.
– Fixed an issue with Hunting Powerhour.
– Fixed an bug where casting weapons would cast every time while you double casted with scrolls.

– Personal Powerhour should now reset every Monday.
– Boost messages show minute fractions.

User interface:
– Added Meditation buff icon while meditating.

– Mages receive 20% more physical damage.

– Melee damage increased by 40%.

– Melee damage increased by 25%.

– Melee damage increased by 35%.

– Improved Songs target selection and validation.
– Added Book of Verses (new single target songs).

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Scheduled Maintenance 26-06-20 7:00-7:30pm

We will be doing maintenance to apply some necessary fixes to combat and skill-gain. Downtime should be within 30 minutes.


– Fixed Nujelm renaming exploit.
– Fixed weapon, parry and tactics skill-gains.
– .online command now shows how long ago the player started playing instead of the amount of time played.
– Unstitching will no longer unstitch old items and give iron ingots. It will now terminate properly.

– Reduced all Physical PvP damage by 30% and additionally reduced Archery damage by 30% for all classes.
– Lower strength poison will no longer overwrite higher level ones.
– Applied some fixes regarding cleanup and NPC’s to Color Wars.
– Shady Merchant is now roaming the wilderness again.

– Bards can use ranged weapons again.
– Song of Fright is now enabled again.

– Vanity Shop vendor snooping/stealing is set at 140 skill difficulty to bridge the gap between Thief(130) and Shady Merchant(150).

– Added a hitscript to blacksmith hammer.

– Added a page for the vanity shop to the info-vault.

Additional Notes:
– The new combat system continues to be improved every patch. Feel free to keep submitting your feedback.

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