This skill is checked automatically each time you attempt to cast a spell.
There are 4 types of spellbooks, normal (spellbook), necro (Codex Damnorum), earth (Book of the Earth) and holy (Codex Caelestis).
Normal Spells:
Spell | Words of power | Skill needed | Reagents required | Mana cost |
Clumsy | Uus Jux | 20 | Bloodmoss Nightshade | 4 |
Create Food | In Mani Ylem | 20 | Garlic Ginseng Mandrake Root | 4 |
Feeblemind | Rel Wis | 20 | Ginseng Nightshade | 4 |
Heal | In Mani | 20 | Garlic Ginseng Spider's Silk | 4 |
Magic Arrow | In Por Ylem | 20 | Sulfurous Ash | 4 |
Night Sight | In Lor | 20 | Spiders' Silk Sulfurous Ash | 4 |
Reactive Armor | Flam Sanct | 20 | Garlic Sulfurous Ash Spiders' Silk | 4 |
Weaken | Des Mani | 20 | Garlic Nightshade | 4 |
Agility | Ex Uus | 30 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root | 6 |
Cunning | Uus Wis | 30 | Mandrake Root Nightshade | 6 |
Cure | An Nox | 30 | Garlic Ginseng | 6 |
Harm | An Mani | 30 | Nightshade Spiders' Silk | 6 |
Magic Trap | In Jux | 30 | Garlic Sulfurous Ash Spiders' Silk | 6 |
Remove Trap | An Jux | 30 | Bloodmoss Sulfurous Ash | 6 |
Protection | Uus Sanct | 30 | Garlic Ginseng Sulfurous Ash | 6 |
Strength | Uus Mani | 30 | Mandrake Root Nightshade | 6 |
Bless | Rel Sanct | 40 | Garlic Mandrake Root | 9 |
Fireball | Vas Flam | 40 | Black Pearl | 9 |
Magic Lock | An Por | 40 | Sulfurous Ash Bloodmoss Garlic | 9 |
Poison | In Nox | 40 | Nightshade | 9 |
Telekinesis | Ort Por Ylem | 40 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root | 9 |
Teleport | Rel Por | 40 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root | 9 |
Unlock | Ex Por | 40 | Bloodmoss Sulfurous Ash | 9 |
Wall of Stone | In Sanct Ylem | 40 | Bloodmoss Garlic | 9 |
Archcure | Vas An Nox | 50 | Garlic Ginseng Mandrake Root | 11 |
Arch protection | Vas Uus Sanct | 50 | Garlic Ginseng Mandrake Root Sulfurous Ash | 11 |
Curse | Des Sanct | 50 | Garlic Nightshade Sulfurous Ash | 11 |
Fire Field | In Flam Grav | 50 | Black Pearl Spiders' Silk Sulfurous Ash | 11 |
Greater Heal | In Vas Mani | 50 | Garlic Ginseng Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 11 |
Lightning | Por Ort Grav | 50 | Mandrake Root Sulfurous Ash | 11 |
Mana Drain | Ort Rel | 50 | Black Pearl Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 11 |
Recall | Kal Ort Por | 50 | Black Pearl Bloodmoss Mandrake Root | 11 |
Blade Spirits | In Jux Hur Ylem | 60 | Black Pearl Mandrake Root Nightshade | 14 |
Dispel Field | An Grav | 60 | Garlic Black Pearl Spiders' Silk Sulfurous Ash | 14 |
Incognito | Kal In Ex | 60 | Bloodmoss Garlic Nightshade | 14 |
Magic Reflection | In Jux Sanct | 60 | Garlic Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 14 |
Mind Blast | Por Corp Wis | 60 | Black Pearl Mandrake Root Nightshade Sulfurous Ash | 14 |
Paralyze | An Ex Por | 60 | Garlic Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 14 |
Poison Field | In Nox Grav | 60 | Black Pearl Nightshade Spiders' Silk | 14 |
Summon Creature | Kal Xen | 60 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 14 |
Dispel | An Ort | 70 | Garlic Mandrake Root Sulfurous Ash | 20 |
Energy Bolt | Corp Por | 70 | Black Pearl Nightshade | 20 |
Explosion | Vas Ort Flam | 70 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root | 20 |
Invisibility | An Lor Xen | 70 | Bloodmoss Nightshade | 20 |
Mark | Kal Por Ylem | 70 | Black Pearl Bloodmoss Mandrake Root | 20 |
Mass Curse | Vas Des Sanct | 70 | Garlic Mandrake Root Nightshade Sulfurous Ash | 20 |
Paralyze Field | In Ex Grav | 70 | Black Pearl Ginseng Spiders' Silk | 20 |
Reveal | Wis Quas | 70 | Bloodmoss Sulfurous Ash | 20 |
Chain Lightning | Vas Ort Grav | 80 | Black Pearl Mandrake Root Bloodmoss Sulfurous Ash | 40 |
Energy Field | In Sanct Grav | 80 | Black Pearl Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk Sulfurous Ash | 40 |
Flamestrike | Kal Vas Flam | 80 | Spiders' Silk Sulfurous Ash | 40 |
Gate Travel | Vas Rel Por | 80 | Black Pearl Mandrake Root Sulfurous Ash | 40 |
Mana Vampire | Ort Sanct | 80 | Black Pearl Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 40 |
Mass Dispel | Vas An Ort | 80 | Black Pearl Garlic Mandrake Root Sulfurous Ash | 40 |
Meteor Swarm | Kal Des Flam Ylem | 80 | Bloodmoss Spiders' Silk Mandrake Root Sulfurous Ash | 40 |
Polymorph | Vas Ylem Rel | 80 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 40 |
Earthquake | In Vas Por | 90 | Bloodmoss Ginseng Mandrake Root Sulfurous Ash | 50 |
Energy Vortex | Vas Corp Por | 90 | Black Pearl Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Nightshade | 50 |
Resurrection | An Corp | 90 | Bloodmoss Garlic Ginseng | 50 |
Summon Air Elemental | Kal Vas Xen Hur | 90 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 50 |
Summon Daemon | Kal Vas Xen Corp | 90 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk Sulfurous Ash | 50 |
Summon Earth Elemental | Kal Vas Xen Ylem | 90 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 50 |
Summon Fire Elemental | Kal Vas Xen Flam | 90 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk Sulfurous Ash | 50 |
Summon Water Elemental | Kal Vas Xen An Flam | 90 | Bloodmoss Mandrake Root Spiders' Silk | 50 |
Necro Spells:
Spell | Words of power | Skill needed | Reagents required | Mana cost |
Control Undead | Nutu Magistri Supplicare | 80 | Blood Spawn Bone Blackmoor | 40 |
Darkness | In Caligne Abditus | 80 | Pumice Pig Iron | 40 |
Decaying Ray | Umbra Aufero Vita | 80 | Vial Of Blood x 2 Volcanic Ash Daemon Bone | 40 |
Spectre's Touch | Enervare | 80 | Executioners Cap Brim Stone Daemon Bone | 40 |
Abyssal Flame | Orinundus Barathrum Erado Hostes Hostium | 100 | Brim Stone Obsidian Volcanic Ash Daemon Bone Dragons Blood | 60 |
Animate Dead | Corpus Sine Nomine Expergefaceret | 100 | Bone Fertile Dirt Vial Of Blood Obsidian | 60 |
Sacrifice | Animus Ex Corporis Resolveretur | 100 | Executioners Cap Bloodspawn Worms Heart Blackmoor Bone | 60 |
Wraith's Breath | Manes Sollicti Mi Compellere | 100 | Obsidian Pumice Bone Blackmoor | 60 |
Sorcerer's Bane | Fluctus Perturbo Magus Navitas | 120 | Volcanic Ash Worms Heart Daemon Bone Pumice Dragons Blood Deadwood | 85 |
Summon Spirit | Manes Turbidi Sollictique Resolverent | 120 | Daemon Bone Brim Stone Dragons Blood Blood Spawn | 85 |
Wraithform | Manes Sollicti Mihi Infundite | 120 | Daemon Bone Brim Stone Blood Spawn | 85 |
Wyvern Strike | Umbrae Tenebrae Venarent | 120 | Dragons Blood Serpents Scales Blackmoor Blood Spawn Volcanic Ash | 85 |
Kill | Ulties Manum Necarent | 140 | Daemon Bone Executioners Cap Vial Of Blood Dragons Blood Worms Heart Volcanic Ash Eye Of Newt | 115 |
Liche | Umbrae Tenebrae Miserere Animi Non Digna Ferentis | 140 | Daemon Bone Brim Stone Dragons Blood Blood Spawn Executioners Cap Black Moor Vial Of Blood Volcanic Ash | 115 |
Plague | Fluctus Puter Se Aresceret | 140 | Volcanic Ash Batwing Daemon Bone Dragons Blood Bloodspawn Pumice Serpents Scales | 115 |
Spellbind | Nutu Magistri Se Compellere | 140 | Eye Of Newt Vial Of Blood Fertile Dirt Pig Iron | 115 |
Earth Spells:
Spell | Words of power | Skill needed | Reagents required | Mana cost |
Antidote | Puissante Terre Traite Ce Patient | 60 | Deadwood Fertile Dirt Executioners Cap | 5 |
Owl Sight | Vista Da Noite | 60 | Eye Of Newt | 5 |
Shifting Earth | Esmagamento Con Pedra | 60 | Fertile Dirt Obsidian Deadwood | 5 |
Summon Mammals | Chame O Mamifero Agora | 60 | Serpents Scales Pig Iron Eye Of Newt | 5 |
Call Lightning | Batida Do Deus | 80 | Worms Heart Pig Iron Bone | 10 |
Earth Blessing | Foria Da Terra | 80 | Pig Iron Obsidian Volcanic Ash | 10 |
Earth Portal | Destraves Limites Da Natureza | 80 | Brimstone Executioners Cap Eye Of Newt | 10 |
Nature's Touch | Guerissez Par Terre | 80 | Pumice Vial Of Blood Obsidian | 10 |
Gust of Air | Gust Do Ar | 100 | Fertile Dirt Brimstone Eye Of Newt | 15 |
Rising Fire | Batida Do Fogo | 100 | Bat Wing Brimstone Vial Of Blood | 15 |
Shapeshift | Mude Minha Forma | 100 | Worms Heart Black Moor Bat Wing | 15 |
Ice Strike | Geada Com Inverno | 120 | Bone Bat Wing Brimstone | 20 |
Earth Spirit | Chame A Terra Elemental | 120 | Dragons Blood Fertile Dirt Volcanic Ash | 20 |
Flame Spirit | Chame O Fogo Elemental | 120 | Eye Of Newt Black Moor Obsidian | 20 |
Storm Spirit | Chame O Ar Elemental | 120 | Fertile Dirt Volcanic Ash Bat Wing | 20 |
Water Spirit | Chame A Agua Elemental | 120 | Worms Heart Serpents Scales Eye Of Newt | 20 |
Holy Spells:
Spell | Words of power | Skill needed | Reagents required | Mana cost |
Grand Feast | Pluris De Epulum | 60 | VolcanicAsh DeadWood | 5 |
Turn Undead | Verto Phasma Terreo | 60 | Obsidian BloodSpawn BlackMoor | 5 |
Light of Day | Lucis Diei | 60 | FertileDirt EyeOfNewt DragonsBlood | 5 |
Angelic Aura | Tactum Angelus | 60 | Bone VialOfBlood FertileDirt DeadWood | 5 |
Holy Bolt | Sanctus Utor Telum | 80 | EyeOfNewt WormsHeart ExecutionersCap | 10 |
Seraphim's Will | Pium Fortuno | 80 | SerpentsScales WormsHeart BatWing | 10 |
Angelic Gate | Angelus De Porta | 80 | Obsidian Pumice EyeOfNewt WormsHeart SerpentsScales | 10 |
Remove Curse | Aufero Pestis | 80 | PigIron ExecutionersCap | 10 |
Wrath of God | Judicium Incursus | 100 | VialOfBlood BloodSpawn DragonsBlood | 15 |
Divine Fury | Divinitus Ira | 100 | VolcanicAsh Brimstone Pumice DaemonBone | 15 |
Astral Storm | Caelum Tempestas | 100 | Obsidian DaemonBone BatWing PigIron | 15 |
Enlightenment | Invenio | 100 | VialOfBlood VolcanicAsh WormsHeart Brimstone | 15 |
Revive | Novo Sano | 120 | VialOfBlood WormsHeart Bone | 20 |
Sanctuary | Aufero Venarent | 120 | SerpentsScales DragonsBlood VolcanicAsh PigIron Blackmoor | 20 |
Summon Guardian | Chame O Lucis Spiritus | 120 | PigIron Bone FertileDirt BloodSpawn | 20 |
Apocolypse | Mortis De Fatum | 120 | WormsHeart DragonsBlood DaemonBone Brimstone Pumice VolcanicAsh BloodSpawn | 20 |