› General › Off-Topic › The truth about corrupt staff › Reply To: The truth about corrupt staff
Since you can’t seem to let this go, let’s go ahead and ruin your reputation more since that seems to be what you want. I will first quote some of your false information you posted.
“This post keeps being deleted. Someone doesnt want me to tell the truth. So here goes once more. ” – I deleted it once because you placed it in the wrong place, this time i found where i could change it’s place.
“Now this shard is run by 2 staff members. Admin Nagash and Developer Dreams.” – Wrong we still have a Developer named Hybrid with us in the background.
“And here there was a poll with 2 options asking players what we wanted. 1) No do not add staff less corruption is more important (yes the word corruption was in there) or 2) yes take the risk (take the risk?). This is where the propaganda started causing me to already raise an eyebrow to this choice of words for hiring new staff.” – This was because i’ve personally heard shitty things about you and your brother from people i know making me reluctant to Nagash wanting to hire new staff.
“Up to this moment I still have not gotten any reply and still my brothers accounts have not been reinstated. That’s why I have to tell everyone the truth. ” – Simple answer, don’t want to waste my time more then i have to on cheaters.
“What I did (because I did move some items from banks and returned them all) was all in preparation for the MOAT (Mother Of All Quests) that i was planning and/or with players consent.” – I got reports of stuff that had been moved and bags closing from peoples backpacks for no reason, logs confirmed it. Logs also show your weeks of preparation, let me show a picture.
Event book
PS. That’s the whole book.
“In the old shard when a staff member was suspected of corruption we would follow this member closely and demote the staff member to counselor. Than summoned to provide an explanation after confronting him with the hard evidence.
Here nothing happened. No chance to explain or clear up things. Also in ALL the hours I was online there was only 1 brief contact with Nagash in the only moment he was online. Dreams has not been seen nor any other staff member in ALL THE HOURS that I was online.” – So you haven’t seen me online, hmmm how can that be? Maybe because i’ve been watching you from the shadows lol… Also by the way, i even checked how long it would take you to answer some pages since they werent important enough that they needed to be answered right away. Answer = 5days+. *spoiler alert, you were online during these 5 days*
“I don’t know what evidence (if there is any) is being held against me but I am not and have never been corrupt.” – Seems like you are a little uncertain “if there is any”? Lets have a look at it shall we. I won’t take pictures of everything since it would take to long.
Few examples where you use your staff as a personal transportation device:
[21:41:57 – 5501,1159,6] sCMD: goto.ecl – TGT: Roan/794579 – OTHER: XYZ – 3014,116,0
[21:42:04 – 3017,119,0] sCMD: summon.ecl – TGT: Santaclaus/784307
[21:44:32 – 3016,179,0] sCMD: goto.ecl – TGT: Roan/794579 – OTHER: XYZ – 2452,82,0
[21:44:37 – 2452,86,0] sCMD: summon.ecl – TGT: Santaclaus/784307
[21:47:38 – 2572,147,0] sCMD: summon.ecl – TGT: Roan/794579
Harrasing players:
[22:45:58 – 1434,1397,7] sCMD: sayabove.ecl – TGT: HonJin/90555 – OTHER: Text: I am an ass
[22:46:08 – 1434,1397,7] sCMD: sayabove.ecl – TGT: HonJin/90555 – OTHER: Text: but i really like GM Phalanx
[22:46:28 – 1434,1397,7] sCMD: sayabove.ecl – TGT: HonJin/90555 – OTHER: Text: i am doing something fun
Seems just like fun until you see the rest:
[10:14:48 – 7042,382,0] sWat ben je aan het doen
[10:14:50 – 7042,382,0] smet honjin
[10:14:51 – 7042,382,0] shomo
[10:14:48 – 7042,382,0] sWhat are you doing?
[10:14:50 – 7042,382,0] tainted honjin
[10:14:51 – 7042,382,0] shomo
Interfering with people hunting:
Changing out a super boss to a hard normal boss.
[23:57:17 – 5341,1551,0] sCMD: createnpc.ecl – TGT: 5343,1548,0 – OTHER: darklancer/1009727
[23:58:14 – 5336,1590,0] sCMD: kill.ecl – TGT: Tiamat/1004492
Changing the dex of a Legendary hunter to almost the double.
[23:48:54 – 5986,1642,0] sCMD: info.ecl – TGT: Gin the Legendary Hunter/1008335 – OTHER: Edit Stat 3: 1000
Stealing items from other players:
[15:40:50 – 4228,679,26] sMove Item: Adamantium Surcoat/1130985438 – Unknown Drop Location! – Taken From: { 1130985438, 1106258090, { 119, 65, 0 } }
[15:41:12 – 4228,679,26] sMove Item: Platemail Legs of Ryous/1130299531 – Unknown Drop Location! – Taken From: { 1130299531, 1113618291, { 44, 115, 0 } }
[15:41:20 – 4228,679,26] sMove Item: Platemail Arms of Ryous/1130840241 – Unknown Drop Location! – Taken From: { 1130840241, 1113618291, { 142, 120, 0 } }
[15:43:28 – 4215,678,26] sMove Item: Adamantium Fancy Dress/1130298711 – Unknown Drop Location! – Taken From: { 1130298711, 1113618291, { 119, 65, 0 } }
Deci > Hex, 1113618291 > 0x42607773
Name Daemon Backpack
Serial 0x42607773
ObjType 0xe75
Graphic 0xe75
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X 4229
Y 679
Z 26
Facing 21
Revision 2
Realm britannia
CProp BaseName sDaemon Backpack
DecayAt 29743304
Hp 2
Quality 2.1
Not your house
Deci > Hex, 1130840241 > 0x436740b1
Name Platemail Arms of Ryous
Serial 0x436740b1
ObjType 0x988a
Graphic 0x1410
Color 0x585
X 83
Y 81
Z 0
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Revision 4
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CProp EarthProtection i75
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Container 0x43080a13
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Serial 0x43080a13
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Z 0
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Revision 3
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Container 0x42d0ab6a
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ObjType 0xe75
Graphic 0xe75
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Revision 0
Realm britannia
Layer 21
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Account raistlin
CharIdx 0
Name Raistlin
Serial 0xc1fc7
ObjType 0x190
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Color 0x420
X 2572
Y 128
Z 6
Revision 559
Realm britannia
CProp BeardColour i0
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CProp BoostedSkillNr1 i3
CProp BoostedSkillNr2 i26
CProp BoostedStat sStr
CProp CastingNecro i1
CProp CombatSkillsLevel a7:xxxxi0i8i0
CProp CreatedAt i19320167
CProp Detsnoob i1
CProp Detsoob i2
CProp Fame i7661
CProp GuildChat a2:i3i3
CProp HairColour i1102
CProp ImmunityMatrix a10:a0:a0:a0:a0:xa0:a0:a0:a0:a0:
CProp IsMage i4
CProp Karma i10445
CProp KilledBySerial i784307
CProp Killer sSantaclaus
CProp KillerAcct ssantaclaus
CProp KillerSerial i784307
CProp NecroProtection i0
CProp NewRegenRateForlife i100
CProp PoisonedBy sRaistlin
CProp ProtectionMatrix a2:a0:a0:
CProp ResProtection i27117341
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CProp autoloop i0
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CProp psnDmg i25
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TrueColor 0x420
TrueObjtype 0x190
RegisteredHouse 0x437358fb
Gender 0
Race 0
MountedSteps 112846
Strength 90
Intelligence 114.9
Dexterity 30.9
Alchemy 120.7
ItemId 116.6
EvaluatingIntelligence 130
Inscription 115.7
Magery 130
MagicResistance 127.5
Tactics 0;1
SpiritSpeak 109.7
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Privs seeghosts
Settings seeghosts
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TitlePrefix “The Glorious”
TitleSuffix “, Grandmaster Mage”
TitleGuild “The Old Gods, (ToG)”
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Name raistlin
Password *******
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Banned 0
UOExpansion AOS
CProp EMail sML
CProp IP s217.120.189.250
CProp LastLogin i1532592846
CProp Login s2018-07-26 10:14:06
CProp SignupIP i0
Name santaclaus
Password ******
Enabled 1
Banned 0
UOExpansion AOS
CProp EMail sML
CProp IP s217.120.189.250
CProp LastLogin i1532594272
CProp Login s2018-07-26 10:34:45
CProp SignupIP i0
“Now the answer to what staff members are corrupt I will leave up to you to make up your own mind. ” – Yeah you’re right, i will do the same. I won’t waste more time with you tbh. Good luck in the future, if you want a reference for a staff position feel free to use this post.