Reply To: The truth about corrupt staff

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    • Neophyte

    Now i can respond to all of this and prove you wrong but you dont want that. You wanted to ban us from the start. Like i said, there were good reasons why i did what i did. No one asked me for any explanations and now Developper Dreams goes on a rampage with no evidence at all. (nice fabrication though)

    I just wanted players to know the truth. Read what Dreams just replied and make up your own mind. Guess this kinda proves we were set up from before we even got started.

    Not working together as a team but trying to set up other staff members. Now how far would a Mayor staff member go to prove we are bad before we even started? Making up evidence that is not there perhaps? Having your own agenda to kick out the staff you didn’t want from the start?

    Its up to you guys to make up your own mind.

    Love you all.

    Roan/GM Phalanx