Reply To: Introduce yourself

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    • Journeyman
    • ★★★★

    Sounds like a solid plan. Never was a fan of T2A areas and the world is plenty big as it is. Also condensing vendors and other npcs sounds like a good idea. All towns but 1-2 usually feel very barren even if they’re full of vendors, as ppl just pop in there from time to time to stock up on arrows on their quest to gather the millions of em that are needed for archery, lol.

    Loot philosophy also sounds thought through, seems like it will be possible to make reasonable progress through the loot group tiers which is what matters. And harder content where it makes sense to bring a group of players is always fun 🙂

    Will be great to explore a new take on the world as we’re used to it. Now to search for a backup of all those old razor macros… 😀