Reply To: Healing Macro

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    If (Hits <= 100)
    Exec: Bandage Self
    End if
    If (Hits <= 100)
    Walk: South
    End if
    If (Hits >= 116)
    Walk: North
    End If
    If ( Poisoned )
    Exec: Bandage Self

    I used this macro on a Rock Scorpion it worked great. You should have the Rock Scorpion locked in a spot with boxes or chests Ect., then have a wall or box to the south one tile away from being hit by the Rock Scorpion. This is at 90 skill that i was doing this after around 95 you shouldn’t die a whole lot and after 100 I didn’t die at all. I did this on Razor. I will make some more scripts for macroing skills if requested. Also the North and South are not required it was the direction that worked for me. You can set up any as long as they are Opposite of each other.