Scheduled Maintenance 01-06-20 1pm-2pm

We have been hard at work to realize yet another great patch full of bug fixes and new content. 

We have also been redesigning our physical combat script which has unfortunately appeared to be quite the challenge. The current script has some major flaws that have gone unnoticed for years and as such is the core problem for a lot of balance issues we’ve been facing. We will be redesigning this combat script in the coming weeks and hope you will provide valuable feedback after it has been deployed.

 As such we will not be launching any major combat changes this patch. We have done some minor tweaking here and there to fix some of the current issues you have been facing. 


– Highpriest is now a level 4 mage. (If you want to be blessed by him you can give him 2000 gold for the full bless amount. Anything less than 400 will upset him).
– Highpriest payment is now based on class level instead of the strength attribute.
– Elemental Fury damage reduced by 20%.
– Ranged damage at 1 tile distance is 50% of normal damage.
– Elemental Fury / Staff of Nagash (not the boost) have received a slight nerf.
– You will now get raw ribs from player corpses. Raw ribs can’t be sold to an NPC.
– Tournament bags have been reworked.
– Summoned and Tamed spellcasting creatures won’t suicide into melee range anymore and will act more intelligently.

– Earth blessing no longer buffs dexterity.
– Shapeshift now buffs the same stats equally again.
– Fixed a bug where you could “double-cast” scrolls and spellbook spells at the same time.
– AoE spells will now take No PK areas into consideration.
– Energy Vortex is now disabled in No PK areas.
– Reworked the control on field spells. (Send feedback if they aren’t working properly).
– Slight increase to curses.
– Paralyze duration has been slightly reduced.
– Mindblast damage has been reduced by 20%.
– Apocalypse damage has been reduced by 20%.
– Teleporting through roofs no longer works.

– RPer starter gear and skills are now given by the RPer faction stone after you have entered the RPer faction.
– RPers start at level 1 in the chosen class, have 100 in all stats and receive a 50% increased skill gain due to no macroing rules.
– Added an Orc Racegate.
– RPers can now use .rc to talk to other RPers. Remember RP rules still count here!
– RPers will no longer be hurt by AoE effects and field spells from non-RPer players.

– Mage bosses now receive the appropriate amount of physical damage.
– Lots of low level NPC’s have received a nerf to their magic protections.

– Spear of Renah can no longer be double equipped with other weapons.
– Runebook dyes has been added as a vanity item for the upcoming vanity shop.
– Slayer hitscript items loot chances have been balanced. More slayer types have been added.
– Fixed a bug with lvl 3+ protection jewelry not showing the correct protection name upon being identified.
– Explosion potions now take No PK areas into consideration.
– Fixed a bug with raw resource stacks being destroyed after processing it.

– Mages receive 30% more physical damage (this also includes NPC spec mages like termuligin and wraith lord).
– Item ID is now able to target containers and corpses. This will id the contents and give skill per item. You will need 110 item-id skill to use this feature.
– Item ID now shows the rarity of certain items (yellow = uncommon ), (light-blue = rare), (blue = uncommon protection), (green = rare protection), (red = GM item) (light-purple = Legendary).
– Mages now penetrate 3% magic protection per level. Example a lvl 6 mage penetrates 18% so 95%-18%=77%.
– Totems now won’t try to heal (and consequently murder) their Liche masters.
– “All release” and “ release” commands now work on totems, giving you back the totem in item form, will require another Elixer to recreate the totem.

– Can now eat magic fish that give buffs without delay.

– Thief can now heal himself again with laced bandages.

– Fixed Song of Salvation (ress AoE!).
– Fixed Song of Beckon, now the fairies are at your command.
– Song of Beckon and Summon Guardian summons now work as intended and have the correct max summoning limit.

Crafter (this is already added but wasn’t mentioned during the last patch):
– Azurite ore Air Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Virginity ore Holy Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Lavarock ore Fire Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Undead ore Necro Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Ebon Twilight Sapphire gem water Protection decreased from 75% to 65%.
– Dark Sable Ruby gem Fire Protection decreased from 75% to 65%.
– Radiant Nimbus Diamond gem Air Protection and Necro Protection decreased from 75% to 65%.
– Dragon hide Fire Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Balron hide Necro Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Balrog hide Air Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Balrog hide Necro Protection decreased from 75% to 65%.
– Lava hide Fire Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Golden Dragon hide Fire Protection and Earth Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Ice Crystal hide Water Protection increased from 50% to 65%.
– Angel hide Holy Protection increased from 50% to 65%.

– Infovault changes to: classes and custom housing is now added to the housing section.