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General General Board 2.0! Reply To: 2.0!

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    I know right?! Super excited for this!! As this is the ONLY computer game I play (yes, for real) I am looking forward to December 14, 2018! Also want to send out a big THANK YOU to the guys who are taking the time from their lives to provide this server for all of us to enjoy!!
    As I use my cell phone data to play, macroing can be a bit tough. Depending on how good the reception is, that determines whether I stay connected or if it’s sufficient to allow me to hunt without dying from lag etc…
    That being said, earlier today I brought my PC tower to my neighbor’s house so he can hook up a Wi-Fi booster thingy. He is trying to make it possible for me to connect to his internet. Really hoping that it works! I’m a complete “Techno-Tard” so I am clueless when it comes to that sort of thing. LMAO 😂!
    Want to be ready when the shard is up so I can get started building new characters and not be limited by my cellphone service!
    So excited! Counting down the days!