Reply To: suggestion thief\mage

General Bugs / Suggestions suggestion thief\mage Reply To: suggestion thief\mage

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    • Replies - 15
    • Total - 24
    • Novice
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    Loki yes sure man if 5 lev ranger have good damage i dtk… MAY BE it better then thief)
    when i will have 5 lev ranger and 6 lev thief i can talk about it
    but for now im playing 4 level thief and i see that its not reality
    so when you play ranger 2-3-4 level your damage also must be more powerfull then a thiefs equal his level isnt it? we need to go and test it.
    and its a good idea to have working prots from deadly poison and please make also
    1 bottle for 4 chrages on one item
    1 – 100%
    2 – 90%
    3 – 80%
    4 – 70%
    or if you poison victim by one weapon you need to change weapon or wait for 4-6 second to poison it couse its really easy gyus playing thief)