Reply To: My evaluation of this shard *warning long post*

General Bugs / Suggestions My evaluation of this shard *warning long post* Reply To: My evaluation of this shard *warning long post*

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    This is not really a post focused on Thief PvP as that wont change much (only PvE poison damage really changes) Lower lever thief gets nerfed, spec 6 gets a minor buff, because fighting other spec 6 chars they will not be able to kill most of them since poison is easy to counter with the right knowhow and another spec 6 should know how, rest is unchanged

    Dont get hung up on the fact that I play thief.
    This post is about balancing game play, making buffs weaker, and making your base stats and gear stronger to make up for the fact that you get less stats from buffs, this will balance blackrock in PvP for example and make it less OP since it will only reduce your stats by 30% rather than 70%