Reply To: My evaluation of this shard *warning long post*

General Bugs / Suggestions My evaluation of this shard *warning long post* Reply To: My evaluation of this shard *warning long post*

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    Know this is a late reply to this tread, but recently wanted to see how big a difference mage buff makes in PVP and how big of a deal Blackrock really is.

    So a Spec 5 Ranger with Dreams Tainted Fury fully mage buffed, (about 90-95 per buff)
    two shots me a Spec 6 Ranger with pretty decent gear, lvl 6 Melee prot etc. know rangers are glass cannons but almost one shotted.

    In my opinion Mage buffs makes to big a difference and should be scaled down to more “realistic” numbers.

    Posting a video of the event below.

    Youtube video

    ps. Will try and make a video later of other classes like warrior to see how fast they die under the same circumstances.