Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

General General Board Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7 Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

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    Aother sarcastic joke from who??? ohhhhh (1) guild…. You should read gagu….. Before you guys never complained because your guys dominated….

    OUR POINT IS NOW people are caught up…. Now all sudden pvp is broking and needs changes? lmao…. And notice its only your guild who mention this???

    And those 20 points are a huge diffrence because your guild got to run around for 3 months owning evreyone with a 100-110 boost….. So now yes 20 points to you is nothing because you guys still get to give plus 80-90 boost lmao…. now i went from 70’s to 50’s lmao…!!! and i worked hard to get sages and staff lmao.. For what to fucking boost plus 50? i meanwhile throw sages away because for how rare it is it does nothing now lmao….And staff to now…. The real reason the change has come is because russians now have the sage and staff combo which is a threat to your guild… But when your guild was one of the very few who had sages we didnt hear of one complain???? This is to obvious that its complete bs this server…. Your tweaking it for the FEW while the other 80% gets fucked…. Yea your guild is fine you guys took advatage of this for 3 months bro…. lol