Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

General General Board Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

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      • Neophyte

      Shard taken down for some updates, list will come while the shard is down.

      Shard is up again, sorry for the delay!

      Update list:

      You can no longer beg from player vendors.
      You can no longer snoop player vendors/warriors for hire.

      Blackrock now have less chance of dispelling.

      Buffs/Curses have been lowered by 20%.
      You will no longer be able to stay hidden when casting songs.

      If detected by a monster you will now receive a message over your head.
      Monsters should no longer target players out of sight with mass spells.

      Dungeon teleporters should now be fixed.
      .email should now work again.

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        • Neophyte

        Having an issue with the login, it takes ages to log in to my account.

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          This update will favor people who are already geared with sages and capped. Everyone else with suffer greatly. Hunting youll get one shot even with melee prots. Rangers are going to be seriously weeks mages are even less useful then they were. Thieves will be even more op. they psn doesnt need stats. So effectively you just killed all pvp on the server besides warrior and thieves. and hunting is ganna be a huge hassle without being a war or with a bunch of people so now the server will see a drop in players who dont like to deal with a bunch of people.

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            • Neophyte

            Ya i dont like the bless change at all. I think a huge factor of people not playing UO these days is the time factor, people are so busy irl these days and now this makes hunting take even longer, and for the lack of reward’s that i seem to find, its hardly worth the time it takes to find the stuff now. Im hoping for it to go back, otherwise i dont see good things coming for this server.

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              WHy hunt for gear if the gear makes no difference? All you need is a strong boost and some crap ass prot armor. This makes gear have a tiny bit more impact
              Its mainly an update to balance PvP though since as it is (and will still be cuz buffs are still to strong imo, but nerfing them further would require rebalancing the whole game) is that the second you are blackrocked you die. Lower buffs/curses will even the playing field a little bit. Also people with lvl 6 mage and sage’s/nag are the ones affected the most by this, as they lose more stats from this than those without

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                What are you even talking about. were getting 50s at lvl 5 with nagash. we can not not hunt without getting one shot by mobs. with 70s/80s they still get to hunt solo without fear of getting oneshot and newb looted.

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                  This is funny loki that all sudden you guys care about this? Why?

                  ohh i can tell evreyone why because your guild got to take crazy advantage of how it wwas before the update… YOU GUYS GOT FULLY GEARED AND ALSO HIT LVL 6 MOST OF YOU LMAO…


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                    Honestly, if the difference of 20 points make or break your hunting experience, then you really are running around trying to hunt things naked if you rely completely on those extra 20 hitponts and you shouldn’t really be hunting the things you HAVE BEEN HUNTING 😀

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                      I mean… Loki posted in February about the buffs being too high, so it wasn’t like he just now cares about it. He’s also right about people being level 6 with nagash staff and shit being hit the hardest by it, because it’s percent based. Honestly, it isn’t as detrimental as it’s being made out to be.

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                        Aother sarcastic joke from who??? ohhhhh (1) guild…. You should read gagu….. Before you guys never complained because your guys dominated….

                        OUR POINT IS NOW people are caught up…. Now all sudden pvp is broking and needs changes? lmao…. And notice its only your guild who mention this???

                        And those 20 points are a huge diffrence because your guild got to run around for 3 months owning evreyone with a 100-110 boost….. So now yes 20 points to you is nothing because you guys still get to give plus 80-90 boost lmao…. now i went from 70’s to 50’s lmao…!!! and i worked hard to get sages and staff lmao.. For what to fucking boost plus 50? i meanwhile throw sages away because for how rare it is it does nothing now lmao….And staff to now…. The real reason the change has come is because russians now have the sage and staff combo which is a threat to your guild… But when your guild was one of the very few who had sages we didnt hear of one complain???? This is to obvious that its complete bs this server…. Your tweaking it for the FEW while the other 80% gets fucked…. Yea your guild is fine you guys took advatage of this for 3 months bro…. lol

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                          Why is “20 points” being thrown around? It’s 20%. Going from a 70 boost to a 50 when buffs were nerfed by 20% doesn’t work mathematically.

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                            All I’m saying is that 20 points isn’t a big deal, I never mentioned the percentage , but yeah, it’s 20 points from a 100 boost, which is what we usually got, now we get max 82 – 84 from our spec 6 mage, and what do you mean “taking advantage of the boost” Atlantis? You don’t think the whole guild worked hard to get the mage up there? Were hunting 4 hours a day and looking for that Sage Robe, even YOU had one before we did 😀 .

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                              yes but your mage was lvl 6 so ur boost was still good, And thats a lie but good try gagu i know for a fact you had a sages befor me but only wanted mine for YOUR pp lmao…. I know where moffe house is and use to watch you guys use him for boost when you set up a script for autoboosting he had sages on and he had sages before me… WAY before me lol you guys wanted a SECOND sages… Thats when you guys tried to trade me lol…. for your pp or another mage…

                              and yes the 20%….. i was boosting 72,78,82,89 highest….
                              now today i boost 51,54,56…….. ????? sages and staff and lvl 5 150 magery 140 eval int….

                              people complained about pps and thiefs so much yet no changes… loki makes post about boost after losing to russians in arena the (1) guild…. They made updates faster then i seen a update on this sever lmao

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                                Oh no, I wasn’t implying you, more of the guy saying he went from 70 buffs to 50, when the percentage won’t allow it. He’d be doing 56, which is 14. Close to 20, yes. My point is, if you’re trying to be constructive with feedback, be accurate.

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                                  • Neophyte

                                  So, wouldn’t a item wipe re-balance things then?

                                  Edit: I know this is probably very unpopular, so I’m throwing some gasoline on the fire :>

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                                    Maybe so Atlantis, we found the sages February 26th, so almost the start of March, I can’t remember when you had gotten one. But as it has been mentioned, we were talking about buffs being too strong, even before we found the Sage Robe, so that is all irrelevant any way 😀

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                                      yes i think im actually for an item wipe……..but then again will have to be a full wipe because like me and turmoil stated before…. Even tomes Certain people took Advantage of which mostly was (1) guild and (EZ) guild tomes where decent to find those guys hit lvl 6…. They updated to make tomes harder all sudden??…. This is to obvious certain players get advantages…. And i hunt alot use to find tomes… i want to say past months in half or more i didnt find one warrior tome?… But before update i was high lvl 5 and finding tomes because i hunt so much…. Now i find 0 literally 0……. i only find thief and bard tomes…. Dont get me wrong warrior tomes where never really common but i did find them obviously as i stated i am high lvl 5….. Then after a update i havent found one? lmao dont make sense

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                                        • Neophyte

                                        Ya to be clear about the buffing i guess with regular boost you can dispel and keep trying, highest ive seen now from retrying is 62 used to do 77. But with Nag staff you cannot do that, so i used to do 83’s, now i get 50, 54. So thats actually -30’s now. Regardless, it does seem wierd few people oddly fast got lvl 6 and now everything does seem “nerfed” and how many others have gotten lvl 6? Oh wells i guess.

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                                          we’re 7 – 8 people, who spent all our resources into getting the mage to lvl 6, how is it weird really? as soon as I got 1 mil on my bank account, I am running and getting them tomes, as soon as we found a mage tome, guess where it went? you can also see us being in the global chat, always asking for trades, now, as we got the mage all set, obviously, no need to trade for mage tomes any more, but just saying, I don’t really find it “weird”.. Now if you all feel like we’re being favoured, then maybe go back and see how long and how often people from ez been in jail fpr instance. Some of us got better luck when out hunting, deal with it, try to be constructive instead of being babies.

                                          Edit: I don’t mind an item wipe either.

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                                            My thoughts exactly, it’s UO. Someone is always going to have better luck with drops and even skill gains, it seems sometimes. That’s the heart and soul of RNG.

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                                              Item wipe. id be loosing a lot too I have no qualms with it. your ganna change hunting abilites now that its late game and people have the best shit there is sitting in the bank well others play catch up? nah aint for it item wipe we can all start how the server sits. all fresh. fuck it restart skills too I dun fuckin care. But this shit will be onesided. wipe ill make a thief and kill everyone. im okay with this. I wont have to learn to pvp hide shoot and giggle as my poison kills them and be damned ill get that aoe item and take out 7 people at once with one poison tick seeing how the highest stats without a suit for a escape or kings will be getting you low 200s. damn that sounds amazing to me psn everyone around me take there shit and bank it. woot woot. I stand by this being a shit update the argument that it balances pvp is stupid. everyones still ganna try to hit them with a brock first then continue the same way as before. it just makes those with better items better. plain and simple. now it will be more who has the biggest fuckin dildo to hit someone with then boosts and pure skill. end of story that’s reality. want fair pvp Kill classes. kill mods and prots. kill it all and play normal uo learn to actually play the game the way it was intented zulu has never been this and changing it the way you have been is just putting whoever is complaining the most or whoever is more favored ahead of others. Why did i need community support to get them to add in more spawns but they just change the boost shit cause someone said it would work? people who havent scripted or hosted or ran a server. its just people who want to get ahead plain and simple and they just accomplished that. item wise now the competion is dead. Its not pvp its a assraping they wanted. they wanted to turn whoever they see over and stickem right in the brownspot without lube and for people not to be able to do anything about it. all them stat suits are ganna be real worth it now. seeing how the boosts suck. So yea they will take a hit. they will still be running plus 300 dex and everyone else will be fighting to see 250.

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                                                ohhh and btw the server is down nearly 50 people sense update already. This will break the playerbase like i said.

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                                                  I will say probably half that 50 we are down are bard who cant beg off 12 vendors anymore, and the other half probably doing family stuff on a Sunday and don’t even know they been disconnected

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                                                    Maybe owell servers down one more ima go do other shit

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                                                      1) 3 lev transmute potion (25+ byff) 150 alchemy
                                                      2) 4 lev transmute potion (30+ buff) 6 lev mage
                                                      Incrase byff by 10%

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