Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

General General Board Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7 Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

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    • Replies - 7
    • Total - 8
    • Neophyte

    Ya to be clear about the buffing i guess with regular boost you can dispel and keep trying, highest ive seen now from retrying is 62 used to do 77. But with Nag staff you cannot do that, so i used to do 83’s, now i get 50, 54. So thats actually -30’s now. Regardless, it does seem wierd few people oddly fast got lvl 6 and now everything does seem “nerfed” and how many others have gotten lvl 6? Oh wells i guess.