Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

General General Board Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7 Reply To: Maintenance 7/4-2019 15:00 April 7

    • Topics - 5
    • Replies - 37
    • Total - 42
    • Apprentice
    • ★★★

    Here is your copy pasted messages from these so called legit players who were messaging be prior to me even starting the server

    did it work?
    ive send u a request now
    btw, how is it going with ur uo playing?
    are u lvl5 soon?
    I wanna make a new guild so we can kill and take down THC
    Drakan and those retards are done on this shard. I wanna make em quit
    So i can gear u up with some shit and if we are like 3 guys
    we can easily pk them
    i can hook ur ranger up so u can get like 220-230 dexbase
    and we got Sages / Nagash Staff
    So u got 400+ dex
    then we can kill Drakan and those noobs