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General Bugs / Suggestions for fix Reply To: for fix

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    Same here I would like to add is that when using carpentry or other skill to create things(weapons,armor, etc.) – the complexity of production( that is,that bow from the middle tree view of the latter) – is the same.Although it is logical to assume that with an increase in the complexity of production,the price should also increase.Still I so and not understood,why start with logs bloodhorse the complexity of the production expands only on 1?How am I supposed to swing carpentry after 130,if you gain skill from the production of fire,ice and thunder arrows- just not even 0.1.I think it is necessary to process this point,increasing the complexity of production not by 1 unit but more.

    Further….By reducing the power of buffs,you have strengthened the already substantially imba class -thief.Now poison will kill even faster.Another no less interesting is the moment a thief with sewn 100 tactics so gets 5-6 LVL a warrior with his tactics and 150 150 perring,and sometimes even with the distance of the monitor.How is that possible?We visited so many places and actually played for 15 years-all were viewed the same trend of shooting all the characters,including mobs – in full force to only shoot when narodenia from the target at a distance of 4-5 tiles.If you shoot at close range,the damage is minimal.If further specified,until the damage is cut in proportion to the increase in the number of tiles.

    And in General, I noticed that the relevance of mining ore and wood -is not relevant.Something to achieve this,it is not bad it would be to cut the loot in blackrock and to add to the game the possibility of producing apart from the Exeption -and even Perfection(with a chance is so rare that 1 out of 100-150 would be commonplace).Perfect darkness for example,gave a chance to set a goal in Paralyze with a chance of 10% if I’m not mistaken(but the use of Freeaction made it impossible).Perfect Elven – worked as blackrock with even less success rate,but when passing- mana remained whole.The introduction of such things will make blackrock even more valuable,and all kinds of wood will be acutal for a very long time.The same story with ore and skins.The higher LVL Crafter and the number of skill-the more you give the perfect and damage.With the skins of the monsters were made not only boots and hats as you,but everything else that gave +magic efficiency and resists.
    I’m not saying how to do this,but simply suggest-that the entire game as we have,not over a month of playing on your server.Because everything is inflated,killing no one – to go and huntite for weeks,this is Pve.Because of this,interest is lost.If you need help on Perfect things or something else,contact us in the game.Many have seen proven things that on other servers without changing the mechanics – make the server more successful and long.We like you,we are ready to help – to interest,only added.
    Guild $ (Carl Cox)