Reply To: Some questions about the future of mages

General Bugs / Suggestions Some questions about the future of mages Reply To: Some questions about the future of mages


      Thanks for your suggestion. We will take a look into mages as I also feel that hunting with a mage is more difficult than other classes. How we plan on fixing this will have to be discussed. As for the points you mentioned:

      Point 1: This might unbalance PvP (i.e. fast casting mind blast) but we will see if we can solve it some other way.

      Point 2: Good idea, I will add it to the list.

      Point 3: Yes, we could try adding it. Will need to be tested allot though. (added it to the list)

      Point 4: Rituals are on the list but have a low-priority.

      Point 5: Yes, it’s added and should work.