Anyone know why shard is down?

General General Board Anyone know why shard is down?

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      Ummm… Hate to be a whiner but PLEASE DON’T TAKE THIS SHARD AWAY! LOVE this crazy game!


          No worries :-). Just Windows update being a dick again. If only Microsoft wouldn’t be so harsh forcing updates down my poor server’s throat.


              It’s back up again!

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                More Windows problems? Was away from home for a few days. Came home and tried to login to my most favorite pastime, Zulu Hotel Omega!! Sadly, cannot! Nagash PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY GAME AWAY!

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                  Guys?? If you have the time could you please restart or something to bring the server back online? Drop me a line by email if possible with some information on the shard status. I’ll be up for a while as I obsessively try to login to play! Email address is Same email address I’ve had for ages! LMAO 😂

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                    So… Not sure how anyone else feels but I am appreciative of all the time that has been put into creating, hosting and maintaining this UO shard. Always discovering new features that I wasn’t aware of. Recently found out from another player that a mage NPC will identify a whole bag of items! Who knew!! For a small amount of gold pieces one can avoid the tedious task of IDing items one at a time. Amazing!
                    Also want to say that although I have been given some great stuff from other players, there is something very exciting about finding a special item in the loot for yourself! My finds may not be impressive to many but were thrilling for me! Hunting is exciting, my heart races and my hands shake. Fun fun 😊! I recently found a Lance of Lothian, Anubis Mace, Dekeron’s Thunder Bow, Katana of Kieri, Darkness breast plate to list a few. Determined to find a Nagash Staff and a Sages robe. Every time I get a gnarled staff or a robe in the loot I feel a rush of adrenaline! So far haven’t been lucky enough but I know that sooner or later I WILL! It’s like scratching a lottery ticket… Most times it’s a disappointment but there’s always the chance of winning! Can’t wait to see one in the loot bag! When I do I will be doing the Happy Dance and crowing like a maniac! Just picture it! Crazy old woman in a house coat and slippers jumping around the living room! LMAO 😂!


                        Heya Cinnamon, I’m super thrilled your still excited about the shard :-). We’ve noticed a steady decline and received some complaints about doing something about the state the shard is in right now. Therefor we have decided to take it down for a brief while so we can update the shard and add some extra features. These new features will also force us to wipe the shard ( this includes characters and items, old players will receive some advantages though when they start again ). More details are listed on the main page. Hope to see you again in 14 days!

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                          Thanks for answering my questions. Appreciate the quick response. Sad to know that characters will not survive the updates but I’m going to play anyway. Built them once so can do it again 😊. Looking forward to seeing the results of the updates as well as what is in store for old established characters. Can’t wait to see what advantages will receive to start! Item wipe will eliminate all the abandoned houses and the items hoarded inside. Hard to imagine how to begin again but will be fun. Will level the playing field as well. I am confident that people will return as a result of the item wipe. Looking forward to the relaunch of this amazing shard. Will be counting down the days!
                          Let the games begin!!

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