Boss mobs in low level dungeons?

General Bugs / Suggestions Boss mobs in low level dungeons?

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      • Neophyte

      Are there meant to be boss mobs spawned in low level dungeons or is that just an unfortunate result of the world spawner?

      Despise lvl 1 had a boss in yesterday that cast spells and wiped my noob warrior the moment his name appeared onscreen. I thought it odd but stayed near the entrance.

      Now today in Covetous lvl 1 I got destroyed by “The Stomp”, ressed and ran back bypassing him in a dead-end passage only to run into a “Blama” on lvl 2

      I really dont mind running into bosses in the wild, keeps me alert of my surroundings.. but in a low level dungeon it rather defeats the point. Surely it is not intentional to have them there as well? Would it be possible to exclude low level dungeons?


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        Theres been boss mobs in those locations since the start, and there’s a good amount of the playerbase that is routinely hitting those locations at this point. If anything, those of us doing lengthy hunt runs would like to see a few more added.

        I believe there is a beginners dungeon in Brit at the guard post near the bank next to the bar.

        Also, the island where the Valor shrine resides is a good place to do some hunting early on and build up some resources. Just try and get some protections up before you go there. A lot of spell-casting mobs.

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          Every shard I have ever played on had Boss type mobs in that dungeon. Whether it was a Behemoth, Golden Dragon, or Orc Brute. I don’t think they need to be removed. And it seems the boss spawns, spawn random bosses, so you rarely fight the same one repeatedly at a location.

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            • Neophyte

            Thanks thatoneguy, I’ll try the spots you suggest 🙂

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              Yeah I agree – more bosses would be greatly appreciated to be honest.

              I would also like to see a lot more “wild” spawns though – but the loot is absolutely horrible on the wild spawns.

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