Equipping with razor/uos

General Bugs / Suggestions Equipping with razor/uos

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  • #577
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      When using razor/UOSteam to equip gear shortly after death there seems to be some odd conflict that makes the assistant hang. For UOSteam it is quite obvious as it starts spamming “you cannot pick that up” constantly until you hit undress or something. Razor also imports a bunch of “death shrouds” or something when you tell it to import your gear into a dress agent shortly after death. Razor is also unable to dress in these situations (I think) and might require a restart.

      Anyone else having these issues?

      Is there something up with what you get equipped/unequipped with when going in and out of death that messes this up?

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        This is a guess cause i haven’t tried but go to the “More Options” tab in razor and set auto-queue to 600 or lower ms. It could be that you are queuing to many things at one time but the object delay should fix it.

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          Good guess and the first I had as well, this is usually the issue. But I tried increasing the delay many times, think I am around 500-600 atm. Maybe if I let it equip an item every few sec maybe which I haven’t tried, but that kinda defeats the point anyway 🙂

          I usually run 50 ms delay when using razor previously without issues. This seems like something else.

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