PP Veterinary

General Bugs / Suggestions PP Veterinary

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      It seems like PPs cant res animals even with 130 veterinary

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        I can also confirm this.
        Seems like you have to be a classed ranger to res animals.

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          This needs to be fixed tbh. The only reason one becomes PP is to not have limitations on what can be done :/

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            I got flamed for posting about pps and you get agreed with on a fucking post about a useless fucking skill lmao this shard pathetic… good luck Loki I only play pps my Zulu for 17 years… most skill for pp are Broke here man… I have 130 stealth and can’t use lmao… most skills don’t work on this shard because they based on class lvl and we don’t have none for pp.. I hope they change man or do something

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              Also Moffe since your a experienced player and so is moondog also test others skills because since start of shard I tested pp and warrior…and when I first started my pp his boost was decent and ever since I got 130 Margery it’s worst the boost :(… I don’t want people thinking I’m crying or making shit up pps are terriable here and I got flamed saying I’m newb and don’t know how to play pp lmao and then having all skills enough but most of these skills do shit man

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                Yeah I’ll keep testing and reporting.

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                  What counts as “limitations” for the PP vs what counts as “bonuses” for classes though?

                  Ressing can be seen as a bonus for the ranger. PPs can still tame.
                  The ability to use Song books is a bonus for the bard. PPs can still use peace/prov.
                  Making better potions is a bonus for mages. PPs can still make potions, but worse ones.
                  Mining gems is a bonus for the crafter. PPs can still mine ores (if they are so inclined).

                  Should PPs be able to boost as good as specialized mages? If not, surely that’s a limitation. Mine gems? If not, that’s a limitation. Track as good as rangers? If not, that’s a limitation in their tracking range? Etc. etc.

                  “No limitations” seems to imply that PPs can do anything classed characters can do, which arguably renders specialized classes a little superfluous. I thought the benefit of PPs wasn’t to have no limitations (in the sense implied here, “can do anything other classes can do”) but versatility and counter skills (e.g. can use magery against warriors, can use melee against rangers, can use ranged against mages, etc).

                  That being said, being able to ress animals doesn’t seem overpowered for PPs but as a general rule of “no limitations” I think it should be discussed.

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                    As far as I know from ZHC and other zuluhotels PPs were always able to do everything that the skills could offer, just not as good as the specified classes (except use songbook?).

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                      so why then Nagash answers that PP already can use all skills and it is its bonus .. here all classes are remade and thief can kill warrior LOOOOOL…not interestingly play with disbalance

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                        may be good idea for PowerPlayers. add levels to PowerPlayers and bonus for lvl add HP (not str) … 1 lvl + 75hp, 2 lvl +65hp , 3 lvl +55, 4lvl + 50hp , 5 lvl + 50hp , 6lvl +50hp

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                          I believe the whole reason PP classing were removed is because they were overpowered.
                          This was fine on servers where macroing is harder than what it is here.

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                            Just make it so they can use all skills again ¬¬

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                              They made thief’s gods why not try to give pp there class back but can’t go higher then lvl 2 shit that’s better then nothing to me… because I heard people complain here a lvl3 is overpowered so why not stop there class to lvl2 pp is tops?

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                                Like I said I played a pp and warrior since 2001 and I never got to play a shard with pp classes honestly!!!! I find that crazy every other class in Zulu years where opt or tweaked!!!like I said I am still lost on how I first started 90 Margery I boost my warrior plus 27 now I have 130 Margery I only boost plus 25!!!! I can show anyone who wants to see!!!! And I have a ducking sages!!!!!

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                                  @deathstar are you sure your magic efficiency isn’t too low when buffing?
                                  Try buffing while naked/without armour?

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                                    I know a lot of factors come into on how to boost better and I should not be boosting with a pp anyway THIS is just one example I am bringing up I noticed about my pp here that I don’t understand

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                                      I use sages and Balron leather with gm armor with 21% Margery increase when I say dot Protects

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                                        I know I should branch out and make other classes!! But all my Zulu only had pp and warrior because pps can and use to be able to use all skills decently so I never made ranger or mage…. even made my pots threw pp and boost because I never made friends in Zulu only had pvp friends lol… so always played solo which is not a good thing but the way I made my UO personality and character and is fun to me this way lol

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                                          I think pps where decent when shard first opened up again based on how I was using my pp to boost my warrior to hunt when he was lvl2-3 warrior.. 90 Margery I was boosting decent plus 27”s then all sudden macro to 130 seemed they where tweak down because I only boost plus 25…. makes no sense seemed the more total points I had here the worst my pp combat and Margery effects got lol

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                                            Please stay on topic >_<

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                                              Anyone seen the new spiderman movie?

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                                                I have not m00nd0g, any good?

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                                                  I was not interested in it at all after seeing the trailers and Spider-Ham character.
                                                  Was actually pretty good.

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                                                    PP can use songbook??

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