pvp balance

General Bugs / Suggestions pvp balance

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      Shapershift – swith on, while using all mounts (or just one rare mount 😉
      Inscrase phys protection from npc +13-18%
      human +7-12%
      (or make mage class have bonus 2 phys protect and man can
      wear some gear for phys def like holy aura and have 8
      Cast Reveal
      5 lev mage with 150 magery vs thief 5 lev 150 hide 25% that it will reveal.

      Poisoning. Poison Charges – make only 5 charges, first 3 charges are damage deadly poison, next 2 make greater poison.
      When it fail poisoning he poison himself.
      No growing skill poisoning in Oclo or another antiharm zones.
      Grow count of steps in stealth balansed on 6 lev till 40 steps, 5 lev 150 skill – 30 steps.
      Detect Hidden.
      Based on 6 lev thief will detect 5 lev+150 hide. 5 lev vs 5 lev detect/hide 50%.
      and etc…

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        Here we go again.

        Good suggestions.

        17k poisoncharges on a lance of lothian is very close to a permanent poison prefix on said weapon. Also weapon durability should be lowered after poison has been aplied, (no poison applied to gm weaps)

        Nerf prots. Make lvl6 85-90% (no immunes)

        Remove Moonstone (keep blackrock jewelry, limited to ~lvl4)

        Remove blackrock weapons

        Repair drain mods (leech, vampiric, bloody and VOID)

        I think this will result in a more versatile pvp situation.

        Anyone remember the function of the reactive armor spell? I have a vague memory that it used to reflect some physical damage upon first hit? This could add some survivability to mages that usually get one shotted by ranged attacks. I guess it was removed for a reason but may be it just needs to be tinkered with a bit.

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          My only real complaint is the suggested charges. Five charges isn’t enough to hunt with. Especially when only three of them are actually good charges. I agree it needs a cap, because 17k is definitely too much. Durability and no poisoning gm weapons is also kind of lame, too. But at the very least understandable. I would suggest a cap of 50 charges, and after each charge passed 15 having diminished returns on how many charges per poison applied IE; 5 charges from 1-15, 3 charges from 16-30, and 1 for every charge passed 30. This would somewhat deter fully charging a weapon, while not fully hindering a thief’s hunting prowess.

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            No poison to apply GM weapon, or poisoned GM weapon will work only on npc and you can make more chrages for it to hunt.

            Blackrock need really and flawes too.
            But we need to make all devast and fight GM weapons are rare to find in loot. It will be descrase dps and make pvp more longer and after dispel if you have some stats you will go on fight beacuse dps will not so big.

            Just take you vangs in hands and try to fight right now you will that there is so fun when you use items like that) long pvp.

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              Seems like we are heading in the same direction here, longer and more interesting pvps, beautiful.

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                Well lowering psn charges wont affect pvp, it will only force thieves to have macro running repoisoning your weapon while you hunt which is just stupid
                Thieves are built around poison being a part of their dmg or else they eould have to deal the same archery damage as a ranger.
                Better lower the damage and make it tick abit more often so the damage isn’t as spiky.
                And why shouldnt you be able to poison GM weps? Should thieves be forced ti run around in shit gear? Why would you even wanna kill a thief then if he only has crap to loot? There are already no GM kryss and lance is just bad for thief, bow deals way more damage. Spears are only used for cgasing people who run

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                  I kindly take the gm weap part back because I was oblivious regarding thiefs being the only class able to equip poisoncharged weapons. My bad.

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                    Why is the thief sewn skills?
                    For example, if an archer wants to teleport he needs to learn magic – he shoots at his properties due to the fact that he was originally trained in this.
                    A thief – can beat with a spear, shoot, what kind of a unique class is that?
                    I believe that any combat skill should be separately trained.
                    Or included in his class ability.
                    Maybe the bard can sew all combat skills, plus healing, he can’t be cured)
                    And besides, crafting can make all the skills sewn in and a bonus from mining skills that would kill with an ax at a time.
                    Well, the magician can still have shields to wear, well, he is a man, why is it impossible to put a shield on yourself ??
                    Shield protection skill sewn and so on.
                    What kind of nonsense

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                      In general, thieves should poke with a passing weapon, since when did they start shooting with a bow and deal damage more than an archer?
                      Meaning then from War and Archer if there is a thief who can stop up from the peaks, and shoot him with a bow, plus poison him.

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                        Yakuza say true

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                          Why do they get free weapon use? Because they lack a combat skill. Even if they “poked with passing weapon (what?)” it would be a free weapon. I understand it’s a powerful class, but let’s not neuter it, this is like, the first or second time this class has been something meaningful outside of just poisoning weapons for more combat oriented classes.

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                            thief not PVP CLASSE!!!! HE STEALER AND STELTH , U die in dungeon thief loot and go … ITS NOT POWER PLAYER !!!!!

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                              I believe all classes should be viable. Why only war and ranger? Makes this game very boring

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                                Go hunt on a thief and hunt on a ranger and you will see that the difference in damage is huge. A ranger deals near double the dmg and poison tick is half a thief arrow and you shoot 10 arrows between each tick

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                                  loki why mage classe not have parrying and hiding 100)))???I believe all classes should be viable.

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                                    thiefs make it game boring….poison arrow and hiding … and not any class cant detect its realy interestinct game .. lol

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                                      why thiefs can use bandages without skill healing??? why mages not use bandages or archery. and die at one shoot

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                                        thiefs need balance . its TERMINATOR , hiding fish and stealt and im be back

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                                          Mages does need a rework for sure
                                          But mages can hide with fish and spells, they will outheal a thief with spells any day (I would never use bandages as thief in PvP, it’s only to save tamlas in PvM)
                                          They get macefighting for free the same way thieves get fencing and archery.
                                          But if you rather do it like Ranger have, being able to use Forensic without losing classe % that’s fine too.

                                          Im all for nerfing poison damage, but not making the class useless. That would just make all the work Dreams have done with thieves for nothing

                                          The problem with poison damage is that it’s scaled for a fight when people are buffed, one they get dispelled the poison is clearly too powerful, but that’s because buffs are too powerful, if buffs werent as strong, you could easily scale down poison too and it wont kill you instantly when you get dispelled. But thieves deal so little physical damage, they wont hit hard enough to go through armor, so they rely solely on poison damage to PvP. I don’t like that part, cuz then they can just shoot and hide. They should have to keep on shooting in order to be a real threat in PvP in my opinion.
                                          I am working on an idea for a solution for this and will reveal it soon enough. Will see how the response turns out

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                                            I think they need to add camping for a way a Ranger can heal him self. I understand they have Tamlas and Heal Fish, but every other “hunting” class has their own way of healing + Tamlas/Heal Fish. it could be something as simple as 35 HP like heal fish spread out over the time a campfire is active. Just a suggestion.

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                                              and for thieves, why not take out remove trap, basically a useless skill, and give them archery or fencing as a replacement, or even work in their very own weapon type. like throwing knives which has been implemented on other server n replacement of trap removal. give it ammo like rangers need, then you don’t have to worry about thieves running around with spears and bows. Less physical damage then Rangers, because of the poisoning.

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                                                Throwing knives would be great, and would fit the class. I’d get behind that, easily. Loki is correct, by the way. Every class needs viability in hunting, that’s why he’s been pushing for mage and song book rework.

                                                As for “thieves should stealth and loot,” throw that shit out of your head. That type of playstyle and mentality needs to be left in late 90s-early 2000s where it belongs. Thieves need some rebalancing, yes. Poison tick damage, to be precise. Thieves, do not however, need castrated.

                                                This thread is less of a suggestion, and more of a sodium filled sad fest. Are there nuggets of good, constructive suggestions? Sure. But most of it is a witch hunt.

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                                                  Problem is if you add to many class specific items you will end up with gears that are only for ranger, only for warriors, only for thieves. And you will find so much loot you cant use or if you kill anyone that isn’t your class, you cant use any of the stuff. Free skills aren’t really free. You need 90 all skills to get “90 archery” etc. So many skills has no use, the archery/fencing is the reward for macroing those useless skills
                                                  and having those extra skills as how rangers get forensic is just too many skills. And it would defeat the purpose of getting higher level, as you can just get archery tomes and macro that.
                                                  There are other ways of balancing this. the fencing for thieves isn’t strong really. Archery is what you will use 90% of the time as you cant wear a shield and don’t have warrior’s built in melee prot so you die from most things.

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                                                    Please read what i write and upload that massage with addon or correct dont make a trashcan here.
                                                    Thief need to be reveal by another thiefs or mages skilllvl=lvlskill 50% chance or make wq 100% reveal if mge 5 lev or upper if thief havent temperdblackrock.
                                                    more sleath steps

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                                                      I agree Pixy. They should have a chance to be detected by an equal character

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