Quests, Raids, and Events

General Bugs / Suggestions Quests, Raids, and Events

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  • #3560
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      • Neophyte

      So for a while now I’ve been wondering why we don’t see many raids, quests or events of any type.

      I can remember giant hordes of rat men attacking towns and pick pocketing people. Towns being overran by ozzies. Giant pvp gatherings at the arena in Jhelom. Fetch quests that were a combination of riddles and hide and seek.

      I would love to see someone host anything like this. I know this is only a small portion of the types of events that used to go on so fell free to comment with more suggestions and weigh in on the topic.

      Personally I think it would bring the player base back together and give us all something to do.

      Any particular reason we don’t have anything like this going on? Is it a lack of active players or a staffing issue? Anyway, let me know I’d love to see and participate in anything of the sorts!

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        We dont have any real staff dude they only come on when (1) guild gets killed or (ez) guild….

        plus honestly if they do event now its to late shard is dead man its sad….All these updates screw players bad…. While the very few got to take advantage :(, but i can be wrong im sure you guy can hold a event im sure 90% will be russians… 🙁

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          Jesus Christ you bitch a lot.

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            2019 and people still whine about UO. Go outside and enjoy some sun light. maybe your feelings will be less likely to be hurt over a 20+ year old game lol

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              Have you been hiding under a pile of stones over the last weeks braveheart?

              I suggest you take a look at

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                • Neophyte

                Here’s am idea for you. Instead of bitching about how the shard is dead and certain things won’t help. Why not get on here and post HELPFUL ideas. Give feedback. Clearly people bitching about certain things has lead to changes. I.E. no more noobied music instruments. So why not post what you think will help instead of complaining like a child?

                Also if you think the shard is dead, why bother responding to my post?

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                  Why is it nobody else can recreate that video? also what were the stats exactly on that naked player? and you were only using dex modes no shit you it didnt take long 130 health is always ganna be two shots from a boosted ranger. now you just get to stay at that health forever no worries right. test a psn tick on that ranger too. instant death. if that thief is boosted or not. This test was shit. all it shows is someone dieing and nothing of the toon that did it. From what i could see that other char was hitting over 400 dex somehow and im pretty damn sure that wasnt possible with max 109/109 cause 150 plus 109 plus 109 is less then 400 and im damn sure your not base 150 legit on dex ether. unless you really took out all those champ spawns unlikely. and that naked dude is shooting faster then my char with dex mods and the old 109 boost. But let me guess thats again a failure on my part and i just dont know how to play right. I think it is so funny that is what (I) goes to always You just dont know how to play. said to everyone that doesnt agree with them. Or the funniest one was when i heard tipsy say he was going to kill braveheart in real life. like go beat him up and kill him what are we 12? Natas tanny may sound like a blabbering bitching idiot and thats because he really doesnt clean up his writing and he does go way off the wall but there is quite a bit of truth to what he is saying and it took me talking to multiple people and seeing how things just randomly seem to be pushed in someone elses favor despite what the community says and when the community does want something like world spawns its just completely ignored.

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                    Awww, it looks like we have a big announcement, everyone. It seems that braveheart has finally made a friend!

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                      The stats on that naked player was very high. Do you know why? BOOSTS ARE WAY TOO POWERFUL COMPARED TO GEAR *Tries to hammer the simple truth in*
                      Also the naked ranger was spec 5 and the geared was spec 6 (recorded before the true spec was active)

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                        And since you two besties write about the same thing in every topic I might as well answer in this topic which has nothing to do with the recent patch…
                        I wrote the post about boosts being too powerful in FEBRUARY, which is waaaaaaay before the russians had any power at all, and before we had sages(possibly before spec 6 too)
                        This is the first I play UO since Dreams/Valhalla so Im used to 54-boosts at the very highest. Seeing how strong boosts are now they really do need to get tuned down.
                        Staff does NOT do our bidding. Im suprised they listened at all, maybe the video which was posted recently helped a bit.
                        The only reason you whine about this is because it makes the game a tiny bit more challenging. I understand it’s fun to kill everything super fast and get easy loot. But if you want no challenge and killing stuff fast, go play Diablo 3 lvl 1 Grifts over and over, then mobs will die super fast and it’s no challenge what so ever. PERFECT game for you

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                          why dont yall go argue, bitch and cry on your crying thread and actually give feed back to what natas has posted THIS thread for. god damn, grow up

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