Server Breaking Shit

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      This is kind of frustrating that the shit that needs work is being ignored and random changes with absolutely no community knowledge is being tweaked to game breaking situations well we post about what we do want and get nothing. The server was going good. the last update is going to break the game. This update was a total favoring of certain people who have shit and could deal with the drop of stats. Those same people have so many god damn items before the loot was lowered at the start of the reopen they can get killed multiple times with no effect. Also thieves are not ganna be unstoppable baddasses. Like what the actual fuck? give them undefendable poison. Unfailing hiding, AOE gm weapon, Free skills and then lower everyone elses ability to maintain stats. But poison doesn’t get its damage from stats. So this was absolutely stupid. Warriors maybe okay with the massive armor for pvm but rangers will be glass. lvl 6 melee and wont be able to take a single hit. Mages were already trash characters now they are just pointless unless your lvl six with nagash and sages. Thanks for that. Get tired of waiting for people to boost finally push my mage to lvl 5 to get good buffs then two days later he is doing 50 buffs with nagash lvl 5 150/150 SWEET.

      Where did this choice come from? Why is it even a thing? None of this makes the game better or worth playing. And if this is the way its going to be ITEM wipe now or everyones fucked.

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        The point of the lower buffs is to give abit more balance to PvP. If you are dispelled you are fucked, now you are a little less fucked and items you wear makes a little bit more difference.

        If you think buffs are where they should be compared to gear take a look at this video and think again
        It’s a video of a lvl 6 ranger with full gear and a ton of mods and no boost fighting a lvl 5 ranger who’s naked with only a bow but has boost

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          okay loki but trumoil is 100% right this shard is dying already and these changes just made it worst why?

          Certain players it seems where able to take advantage of the boost thing, Seems (1) guild and (Ez) guild get to enjoy the perks…. Then once regular players start catching up they make the change!

          Another stupid thing i dont get is why they sitting here changing bs like this. When there where MANY MANY post about thiefs beeing to STRONG AND OP and PP’S SUCKING ASS!, ONE POST WAS MADE ABOUT BLACKROCK AND BOOST, 3 DAYS LATER THE STAFF MAKE A UPDATE AND CHANGE FOR BLACK ROCK AND BOOST…….LMFAO!!!! COMPLETE BS!!!!!!!!!!! You guys should be changing thiefs! Not blackrock and boost. Blackocks should be 100% dispell rate and would be no problem in pvps. But instead you guys make bless worst and THE ONE THING PPS HAVE WHICH WAS CURSING DURING A PVP IS NOW LOWERED 20% GREAT JOB!!!!

          Another bs update i notice and example of not fair play is! Tomes where decent to find well use to!, Now in the update they made tomes more rare as i notice as i dont find them anymore. This is another stupid update you guys should of left alone. Because guys in (ez) (1) guild got lvl 6, And since normal players where catching up they made tomes more RARE out of no where? Which is not fair to later players… This to me is an example of letting certain players get a advantage of beein lvl 6 while the rest of us have to grind 5x harder now??

          I think 4 post where made about thiefs and pp’s NOTHING AT ALL WAS DONE LMAO…

          one post made about boost and blackrock and few days later they make a change to them?

          This is complete bullshit to me

          Only certain people lost gear pvpn and i was one of them…. And not enough pvp on this shard to make this change which effects us hunting now…..BUT only chractrs i died to most is a thief who gets to be naked with a psn wepon and own a fully geared warrior because they can hide and not be revealed by anything lol…Thiefs dont make sense to me at all they are a PP…. You guys need to change psn and do something to thiefs!!! ohh wait they wont do shit WHY because i forgot loki is a favored player along with the whole (1) guild and (Ez) guild….

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            PVP isn’t the only thing to do in this game. There are some of us who still need to acquire gear and cannot do so efficiently. and unbuffed has always been instant death to someone who is buffed. Also who the fuck runs lvl 6 ranger for pvp? its stupid. Death without teleport. This is my issue. the server keeps being crafted around the few and not the many. Loot was dropped once the “Elites” geared then the second wave of players are having a much harder time with certain items like mods/sages. Then you go ahead and drop buffs because people run around unbuffed? stupid nobody does that. also everyone has a mage lvl 5 or better and nagash for fair buffs? Also who doesn’t have a blackrock? everyone has one. Remove them before fuckin buff limits. All this did was drop every ones buff to shit unless your lvl six with nagash and sages and your barely ganna notice the drop. For us who are without lvl six and sages. im 150/150 eval magery lvl 5 with nagash and im hitting 50s. So no your not balancing anything with this update. You and your guild and a few others are going to benefit and be able to kill them Russians easier is all.. Stop thinking everyone has all these items because they don’t. So if we keep this update item wipe everyone then we can all start over im okay with this. want fair pvp make it fair.

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                Everybody should be noticing this. And if blackrocks are everybodies bitch just remove them entirely blackrocks don’t really matter when everyone has a couple sitting around both brock both get unboosted. So remove them completely and just fight boosted. ether way there would be no difference.

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                  Hey turmoil i just thought maybe i was crazy and the only one seein this…. Because noone ever said anything about this…..

                  its so clear they let certain people take advantage of the perks then when regular people catch up people start complaining and once those certain people do complain 2 days later they make a update lmao…..

                  i seen more post about THIEFS and PPS Then anything else FOR THE LONGEST nothing at all was done lmao…..

                  I guess this shard dont care about player base? They favor only the FEW?….. But did you guys ever think who those few people will play with??? Ohh wait the russians???? Seems like the russians are the only people u want to play here…. You guys are pushing away the rest of your original ZULU hotel players……. Its SAD

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                    So turmoil, you are implying from our private messages that I got anything to do with the updates? Did I leave suggestions to Nagash? Hell yeah. Did I like Every update ever made on the shard? Hell no, I whined like a bitch about every update theres been probably, just ask Nagash how much suggestions I give him and he throws them right in the trash can.

                    You are also taking pms out of context and im not a fan of ppl first trying to before friends and after that stab them in their back and start bad mouthing them like you do.

                    Yes I got worse suit on me than you got atm while im hunting , even though I got good gear aswell.
                    The update isnt that much of a change that you are implying and I like the update even though I would like other changes and im all for an item wipe aswell .

                    On Another hand, i also been bitching about the loot being shit now, also something you implying I had something to do with?

                    If you like a constructive conversation you can unblock me on discord, ignoring someone cause They got Another opinion is just weird.

                    // Grym

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                      Shard is not dying) Some people just start to hunt.

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                        Loki and u noob say about balance??? THIEF IS DISBALANCE NEWB!!!

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                          Grym , on server liset only some group ppl and make updates for hims, ALL SERVER SAY ABOUT MAGES ABOUT THIEFS AND NOT ANY MAKES…. we are die on Arena from my compatriots and start cry we are TOP WE ARE NOOBS! all time die all time say cheates , consoler follow all time for my friends, Nagash come to buff from mage ,,, and we are LOOTED all TIME not any one UPDATE NOT HELP U GUILD. WE ARE PRO PLAYERS MORE YEARS PLAY ON ZULU RUSSIA . think of ordinary players to whom it bored and they want fair play.

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                            or server back for 25 online where i start play 1.5 years later , im first russian where and im call to all go where. (c) FeST

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                              Please don’t wake the topic owner and his delirious friend by bumping this thread (unintentional bump)

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                                need stop play to all

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                                  You dont have to worry about me i havent played because of these issues. Ive only checked to see if there has been anything done to correct them. And nope. All those other updates that were suppose to come to help re balance, Make my arguments invalid, Nothing. Like i figured. No worries i got other shit to do. Have fun dont forget the Vaseline wont hurt so much the next time they decide to change things and buttfuck you. Bitches could learn to atleast spit on it or get you some dinner.

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