Starting Process

General Bugs / Suggestions Starting Process

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      Out of curiosity, if any of you had to restart fresh, with only one character, without multi-boxing, or any other player’s help, what your process be to progress?

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        • Neophyte

        im a crafter main, i just wanna decorate my tower

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          • Neophyte

          You have a long road ahead of you if your trying to play solo. It will be even longer if you cant run two chars at a time. You will want a house to train in asap because training in Occlo seems to stifle gains if it allows them at all. EasyUO is the key to the macros that razor cant do. I suggest new players find a guild to join(check out the savage horde) but if your the lone wolf type make a Ranger to hunt and a Mage to buff and make heal pots. Protection items (.prots) are what you need to fight higher mobs effectively.

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            I hear you.
            The thing is, if you’re a “self found” player or not interested in running multiple accounts, joining a guild, you hit a wall very early on.

            You start of with no armor and very little gold, not enough to buy a weapon, shield or protection. There’s no Brit GY for you to farm gold to earn enough to buy gear. If you leave town, you get killed almost instantly.
            I guess you could go through the donation chest in hopes to get something, but without friends or knowing anyone, you’re not going anywhere.

            Not sure what the solution of this would be other then maybe starting of players with at least armor/bow/weapon and arrows etc. with some newbie zone where you can farm. Maybe if the difficulty of the mobs in Brit is lowered so you can fight them wearing store bought gear.

            Bods use to help with this, even tho I hated it. Nothing fun about “collect x items and return” quests.

            Some servers I’ve played on in the past had a sparring pen, where you could either spar with other players or dummies safely.

            I’m actually pretty curious if anyone can do a self found run as a warrior.

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              • Neophyte

              ehhh i just ran around the world as a ranger and found a bunch of random spawns and consistent spawns of bosses in the wild. after my first few +4/5/6 prot items, its alot smoother now though im considering finding a guild just for the chat.

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                • Neophyte

                I’m sure a self found run as a warrior is possible but it will be hard, time consuming and kinda boring. A warrior that wants to run that game can probably get low end items and gold selling hides to crafters that have coin and want to train tailoring faster. a good start there is ratmen in Minoc and lizardmen are in the swamps you can move on to liches and drags from there. Kill all the animals in the world and NPC the hides until your strong enough to get the rat n lizard hides. Fair warning though, there’s not much of a player economy here and the NPCs don’t pay well. Keep in mind that end game in this shard so far is likely making pretty places and armor as a crafter or hunting to get the best items and tomes to kill more mobs or other players. The newbie dungeon or spar pit is a legit suggestion, might want to state it in a new thread to make sure it’s seen.

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