why on earth was I banned?

General General Board why on earth was I banned?

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      Created account yesterday. Was sparring with a dude I met on shard. In his house. was afk for 3 minutes and got banned by Nagash.

      for real.. Why?

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        According to the rules you’re allowed to spar while being AFK.
        Did you by any chance have an offensive character name?


            Apparently I made a mistake by .equipping the shield you were using. Which probably caused some anti-cheat feature to kick in and auto-ban the account. I was responding to your page earlier and then asked the other person which I assumed was your second character if everything was OK. The person answered that everything was OK so I assumed the page was completed successfully. Your account should be un-banned. My apologies.

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              Ah I guess that can happen.

              No problem. Btw I assume Nagash is still Terence?


                  Nope, Andries :). Close though! Hows it going? Long time no see! Hows Poland doing?

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                    Ah yes I’m stupid ofcourse it’s Andries. 18 years gives memory troubles :p If I remember correctly you come from Groningen? or was that Terence?…

                    Yes Poland is doing great. He just had his 3rd child and he is lovely. He already had 2 daughters from a previous relationship. Alcatraz/Delorean is also doing great, still working the same IT job at the hospital and his children are teenagers now.

                    Me and Neo are also doing great but are very busy.

                    How have you been mate?


                        I’m from Groningen yeah :). Glad to hear Poland is doing great! Also good to hear Alcatraz and Neo are doing great. I’ve been busy as well. Doing some IT (Middleware) stuff for the government. Pretty neat. Awesome to hear that your trying out the shard. We’re still trying to keep the Zuluhotel spirit alive.

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                          Ah nice! I’m in Groningen once every month for work/school and I live in Friesland now since a year so i’m not too far away 🙂 before that I’ve lived in Amsterdam for 5 years. Alc, Neo and Poland are all still living in Den Helder 🙂

                          Yeah, I think I’m hooked again hahahaha. The fun thing about UO is that you can just macro and get better while you are very busy with work and stuff and when you have some time you can actually play. You have done a great job I must say! Hats off to you mate 😀

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