World Spawns

General General Board World Spawns

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      Bringing this to the community to see how we all feel about it. Didnt seem to be a issue before. However lately the world outside dungeouns are dead for boss/super spawns. I believe there are too causes to this. First alot of the supers eventually become hidden spawns like GIN and cant be found or they just survive for a very long time stopping supers from respawning 3 Currently somewhere outside of trinsic. Also the rise of playerbase. I’m seeing very little in the wilds. This was never a problem until about the last month. now its pretty much a waste of time? i have been told if the community all feels the same something could potentially be done maybe open some new areas or spawn areas where there isnt much going on. Blow this thread up! i know what people are saying in game but we need to make it known that its the many and not the few who are having issues with this. potential fixes would be a spawn wipe so everything dies and respawns to unlock hidden spawns. or bugged spawns. Tracking near water sometimes will show you shit that should be out in the ocean and they dont pop up. thinking spawns are getting trapped aswell. and just more in general. between trinsic and brit theres alot. Everywhere else seems empty besides animals.

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        I’m all for whatever needs to be done to get some shit kicked off. The wild should be dangerous, not a literal stroll through the forest.

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          yeah an increase in wildspawns will be good.

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            I’ve been barking about this for a while. I was so stoked when Nagash threw an update up about adding more spawns to the wild. It definitely made a difference– but that was before the player base increase I believe. Or right around the same time.

            I’ve been trying to justify why they may be opposed to adding a lot of spawns. Maybe it would create an imbalance in the economics? If that is the case, then maybe slightly decrease the amount of loot dropped before adding more spawns. I would much rather get more action and actually play the game than worry about the loot.

            Regardless, it gets kinda boring running around the wild and running into nothing, and its part of the reason I’ve been less inclined to play. PvP is a lot more fun and balanced out in the world and outside of dungeons in my opinion. More action out in the wild would also be good for increasing chance of encounters. Especially spawns that are stationary such as the Term spawn at the swamp.

            So many cool land marks to use. A lot of space just rotting for no reason. Like that Black Wisp spawn at the Training Tower above wind. Seems like a great place to add a boss. Would be a lot of fun having a PvP encounter there.

            Also, I made a thread about tracking and creating a category for bosses so that they are a little more easily trackable. Bosses such as Bllama and Wizard Bullfrog also go unnoticed because nobodys tracking animals. Plus, scrolling through Lizardmen can be a drag.


            Maybe remind the staff we would like to see this addition?

            Make Trammel Great Again

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              The loot is fine I believe the influx of bosses just means more to grab but its not like the endgame stuff is dropping all day and the people you see with it got it when the server launched the reopen and I believe from what ive heard in the community that it was pretty crazy high drops back then.

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                I’ve been doing the wild spawns for a few days now – the loot is HORRIBLE!!

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